2. Metrics Measured in the Kirkpatrick Model
- Evaluating Learners’ Reactions (Reaction)
This is the process where participants provide feedback on the training program upon its completion. The evaluation includes opinions on the structure, content, teaching methods, and learning approaches of the program. By collecting learners’ reactions, educational institutions can identify aspects of the program that need enhancement, revision, or improvement. The feedback gathered serves as the basis for setting standards for future training programs. Evaluating at this level is straightforward and involves gathering information efficiently.
- Evaluating Learners’ Knowledge (Learning)
This stage assesses what learners have gained in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes through the training program and whether these align with the set objectives. Evaluation at this level can occur throughout the program to improve, expand, and enhance learners’ understanding and abilities. Assessments at this level must closely align with the program’s objectives. Therefore, evaluation methods should measure how effectively the training goals have been achieved. Compared to the reaction-level assessment, evaluating knowledge acquisition is significantly more challenging.
- Evaluating Behavioral Changes (Behavior)
This phase evaluates changes and improvements in learners’ behavior after completing the training program. At this level, the focus shifts to how well participants apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the training to their jobs.
- Evaluating Results (Result)
This phase measures the program’s overall impact, focusing on its outcomes for individuals and organizations. The evaluation at this stage aims to determine the return on investment (ROI) from the training program.
According to the Kirkpatrick Model, the success of each level of evaluation relies on the information gathered from the preceding levels.
Reference Source: https://tks.edu.vn/thong-tin-khoa-hoc/chi-tiet/120/800